Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where are we now? Part IV

Hello again and welcome back! In the past three chapters we've covered a brief history of CMKX and in the last we covered some of the more outstanding people that are involved in it as well.

This chapter we'll jump forward to the present day and discuss "where we are now" or at least where we think we are! We'll label this blog today as "Rumors, Tidbits, and Gossip". Where would we be without them? Well real hard cold facts are hard to come by as real info has been tightly controled by the "powers-that-be" for reasons that we can only guess. We all have relied on "leaks" from people relaying such sketchy info to keep us interested. Mr.Maheu once stated he would keep the shareholders informed by "unconventional ways", and indeed he has done so.

Many of the posting boards have columns set aside just for these rumors and tidbits to be posted for all to read. Although the info is unreliable to say the least, we all still depend on it more than we think. Much of it was leaked to us much earlier and the timelines just didn't fit the big puzzle as we saw it at that time making it harder for us to figure out what the heck was/is going on. But I have to admit, much of it has been coming to fruition the past few weeks and we are seeing it all come together daily, piece by piece.

They say don't shoot the messenger, but this is human nature, when something is told and it doesn't happen right away. Many of the messengers are being proved right afterall, even though they have been heartily rediculed in the past for their shortcomings due to incorrect timelines. Every tiny tidbit is anylized and scrutinized by the shareholders to no end as we are all so hungry for the facts and the truth.

Even the latest tidbits being spread around the boards like wildfire, brings revitalized hope once again to those that may think it will never end. It is a shame the Federal Gov. has such a tight reign on any info pertaining to our stock and other companies that may be involved as well. We can only hope and assume it for a good reason, at least for our advantage in the end.

The latest tidbits/rumor/gossip is that we are waiting once again for "notification by the SEC" on their website, followed by a "package in the mail". We are to follow information stated in these packages and we are to be paid thereafter by the "check in the mail". This will be one time the postman will be bringing you something worthwhile instead of more bills and junk mail. Once again a timeline is involved that no one seems to be getting a handle on, so hold on to those hopes and dreams that it will be soon.

With the state of the economy, housing markets, job losses steadily in the increase, we shareholders are in need of these "funds" ASAP, some worse than others. These funds are long overdue and will be a blessing to each and every one of us. Once again may I remind everyone, WHEN we are paid, not to forget to help those whom are less fortunate and that are in need as well. Spread the wealth as best as you possibly can and let's all bring this great country back to the prosperity level it once knew.

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Thanks again!
"Got CMKX?"

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