Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where are we now? Part IV

Hello again and welcome back! In the past three chapters we've covered a brief history of CMKX and in the last we covered some of the more outstanding people that are involved in it as well.

This chapter we'll jump forward to the present day and discuss "where we are now" or at least where we think we are! We'll label this blog today as "Rumors, Tidbits, and Gossip". Where would we be without them? Well real hard cold facts are hard to come by as real info has been tightly controled by the "powers-that-be" for reasons that we can only guess. We all have relied on "leaks" from people relaying such sketchy info to keep us interested. Mr.Maheu once stated he would keep the shareholders informed by "unconventional ways", and indeed he has done so.

Many of the posting boards have columns set aside just for these rumors and tidbits to be posted for all to read. Although the info is unreliable to say the least, we all still depend on it more than we think. Much of it was leaked to us much earlier and the timelines just didn't fit the big puzzle as we saw it at that time making it harder for us to figure out what the heck was/is going on. But I have to admit, much of it has been coming to fruition the past few weeks and we are seeing it all come together daily, piece by piece.

They say don't shoot the messenger, but this is human nature, when something is told and it doesn't happen right away. Many of the messengers are being proved right afterall, even though they have been heartily rediculed in the past for their shortcomings due to incorrect timelines. Every tiny tidbit is anylized and scrutinized by the shareholders to no end as we are all so hungry for the facts and the truth.

Even the latest tidbits being spread around the boards like wildfire, brings revitalized hope once again to those that may think it will never end. It is a shame the Federal Gov. has such a tight reign on any info pertaining to our stock and other companies that may be involved as well. We can only hope and assume it for a good reason, at least for our advantage in the end.

The latest tidbits/rumor/gossip is that we are waiting once again for "notification by the SEC" on their website, followed by a "package in the mail". We are to follow information stated in these packages and we are to be paid thereafter by the "check in the mail". This will be one time the postman will be bringing you something worthwhile instead of more bills and junk mail. Once again a timeline is involved that no one seems to be getting a handle on, so hold on to those hopes and dreams that it will be soon.

With the state of the economy, housing markets, job losses steadily in the increase, we shareholders are in need of these "funds" ASAP, some worse than others. These funds are long overdue and will be a blessing to each and every one of us. Once again may I remind everyone, WHEN we are paid, not to forget to help those whom are less fortunate and that are in need as well. Spread the wealth as best as you possibly can and let's all bring this great country back to the prosperity level it once knew.

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Thanks again!
"Got CMKX?"

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where are we now? Part III

Welcome back! Sorry I'm a bit late with Part III, but I'll get part IV out tomorrow as well. The first two parts were a brief runthrough of the past history of CMKX and I'll finish the history brief with listing some of the characters from the CMKX Shareholder base this week.

Now where do we start?.......A blast from the past.....First, whom can forget the shareholder, who went to the races and came back and made the statement "prepare to be astonished!" Then there is Melvin O'Neal, better known as Uncle Melvie, the jovial Canadian, self proclaimed mining guru, who made the infamous statement on the Internet Radio Show, "CMKX will blow like Mt St Helens!" A week or so later St Helens DID rumble and puff some smoke and ash......but CMKX did nothing even closely remote. Another colorful character is/was Willy Wizard, whose Pal Talk room had a huge membership at one time. He was another self proclaimed stock guru.

Lest we all forget Sterling, a U.S. Military officer who was another self proclaimed stock guru who had and still has a following. His "casual"(?) statements would take hours to read or hours of patience to listen when he was speaking, often rambling on and on and on. No one whom ever ran across Oogie, will forget him as well. This guy is sharp as a tack, but does have a "way" with the Ladies, (he seemed to get along with the women like gas and water). entire book could be written about this particular person, even though personal info about him is sketchy at best. When this man speaks..........the world of CMKX stands still, people will sit by the computer all night long waiting for him to speak, even though they know he may never show up, which he has a tendancy to do. The bashers hate him with a passion as did anyone whom had differences with CMKX. Acca's posts on the boards would send them into temper tantrums, making threats to anyone whom may read their antics. Just who Acca actually works for is still a mystery, with many believing he works FOR the company in some capacity. This may never be known, just as real solid info about CMKX itself.

There are/were many more people along the way whom have added to their own personal touch to the saga. I think you get the drift, CMKX, The StockPlay of a Lifetime has touched the very hearts and souls of thousands of people along it's journey. These are memories, that many will never forget. Many books will be written, although much of the real info about what REALLY happened behind the scenes, will never be known as it has been covered over and hidden forever from the public.

The next chapter I will attempt to bring forth some of the latest-greatest rumors that are flying while we watch the stock market and the world economy sink lower and lower. Many say CMKX had a hand in this and could have been the cause of it all, since the brokers/bankers has to cough up BILLIONS & TRILLIONS of big bucks to take care of the TRILLIONS of COUNTERFIET SHARES they illegally sold into the market.

Stay we all shall see.......:-)

Don't forget to visit the sponsors on this web page as they provide this website for free, IF we visit their websites. Thanks again and take care.

"Got CMKX?"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Where are we now? Part II

Today I will continue with a brief history of CMKX.
With sales of CMKX stock climbing each day, people from all walks of life bought shares. Rich people, poor people, bankers, lawyers, Doctors, housewives, people just simply couldn't get enough of the stock. With some well placed advertising, the "Got CMKX?" banner was everywhere. UC, who had a passion for racing, began sponsoring an NHRA Funny Car, which toured the USA on the NHRA Drag Racing circuit. Of course, blazoned on the sides, front, rear and everywhere you could see it was the "Got CMKX?" slogan for the whole world to see.

Many shareholders made it a point of attending the races and to shake hands with their by now, very much adored Urban Casavant and his family. UC, always the showman and the man with a heart big enough for all, made each and every person that attended to feel welcome and part of the "team".

No shareholders will ever forget the infamouse wreck with Dale Ernhart Jr. wrecking underneath the huge black sign at the Vegas Nascar race which had the "Got CMKX?" wording on it. The race was being broadcast worldwide and everyone saw it. Can I say this simply added more fuel to the fire? People continued to buy shares by the millions.

Roger Glenn, a well known ex-SEC attorney was hired by the company to help UC and Team steer the way though all the legal mumbo jumbo they were running into, especially since the stock was drawing so much attention from all the shares that were being traded.

Robert Maheu was later brought on board to add his hand to the matter as well. Just how much this man, which such spectacular background would add to the matters, no one will ever know, but IMO, without him we would all havebeen staring at some hard times in the future.

There has been much spoken about as well as written about just WHERE all those shares were coming from. From the DD and gleening documents that have slowly surfaced, a general idea of just what happened has emerged. CMKX, the "Stockplay of a Lifetime" had been a victom of Naked Shorting by insiders, brokers, investment Banks (HUGE banks at that), hedge funds, and reportedly offshore Hedge Funds as well. Trillions, I repeat, TRILLIONS of shares had been fabricated out of thin air and simply sold to unknowing buyers, giveing the sellers 100% profit on their illegal sales.

Now, the powers-that-be behind the scenes smelled a rat and decided to do a cert pull. The shareholders were instructed to pull their certs, which thousands did, and also proving there was a HUGE number of illegal shares being held by shareholders. I won't get into specifics here, but let's just say, this built a bonfire under Shorty's butt and he had to cough up the money+fines+interest+penalties for his wrongdoing or face problems much worse if he didn't.

People began to worry about their investment, as should be expected. So the powers-that-be sent the now infamous Accadacca to the rescue. Acca, got busy by posting on the CMKX oriented message boards and making visit after visit to "Pal Talk" to talk on the mic, about how rich we were going to be. "Payday Next Week" became the routine for all to hear and read. After a period of time tho, the people whom read and/or heard him began to realize he was sent to keep the shareholders from selling their shares and to pull their certs, along with simply keeping us happy. Why? you may ask? Simple the people behind the scenes needed the vast number of shareholders to stay united, allllllll 40,000+ WORLWIDE!

SOOooooo, where are we now?? The stock market in the good ole USA has crashed, because of greed on wall street. Markets all over the world have crashed. The big brokers, the big banks, and the hedge funds have all ran out of money. Where did the BILLIONS & TRILLIONS of dollars go??? Some say the US Government simply made them pay up for their ill gotten gains of Naked Shorting, some say it is the housing market. IMO, a combination of both. It has brought the big banks to their knees, even bankrupted a few and more going down everyday.

We will along with the average citizen in the USA will never know the details of what has taken place behind closed doors and it may be best we don't. Let's just say Wall Street needed to be cleaned up. President Bush had at one time made the statement he wanted to privatise Social Security and allow people to use that money in the market as Social Security funds were drying up. I think what they saw going on in the market told them that it simply wouldn't work because the crooks would steal all the money and people would end up with nothing at all. IMO, a plan was drawn up and put into place to clean up the market.

What we are witnessing today is the result of the plan. There will be tough times ahead for everyone, but we the American public CAN and WILL survive it. More prosperous times are ahead for the country once the crooks are taken out of the markets.

What about we shareholders of CMKX? IMO, in the very, very, very near future, we will be enjoying the results form the "Team~CMKX" in a settlement from the SEC & DTCC for the illegal shares that we purchased. The millions of acres in Canada will produce much wealth for those that held on to their shares/certs throughout this long ordeal.

In closing, I know I left out several things that happened along the way for us, but I'm not writing a book here and besides, we all lived through it day after agonizing day. We all pretty much have surmised by now, we are on the winning team and with a bit more patience, we will succeed to enjoy the fruits of our labors.

Part III we will continue with some of the latest info that we know. Thanks, for reading this blog and please pass it around as it's survival is based on how many people read it. BTW, you will notice that Google posts ads that pertain to minerals, mining etc, so don't forget to check those out as well. Thanks Again! :-)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Where are we now? Part I

This is an attempt at creating a Blog Site for the CMKM Diamonds Shareholders. Please excuse me if I make mistakes as this is all new to me. Before I get too far along, let me pause and say it has been a long, long journey for all of us, and hopefully with the events we have been witness to the past two weeks we are close to the end.

I will be bringing in other shareholders to post their thoughts here as well as time goes by. Everyone has their opinion as to just where we stand as shareholders of this "Stockplay of a Lifetime". So the more thoughts we have, the better it will be I would think.

At this time many of us whom have been shareholders since the very beginning or near beginning, can remember that it was Urban Casavant whom had a dream and worked his tail off to make that dream come true. He once proclaimed that he would create a "million millionaires". To this I certainly hope he was right. He and his close knit family have endured much through the years just trying to get this "stockplay of a lifetime" off the ground and running.

Crooked insiders and underhanded individuals whom all wanted a bigger piece of the pie than they deserved, has made it quite an ordeal for everyone involved. Mr. Casavant brought in several well known attornies etc to help him steer his way through the maize of problems he encountered. And, I must add, some of the problems are still there to be taken care of.

UC (as the shareholders knicknamed him) stakes approx 2 million acres of what was once thought of as "moose pasture" in Canada. This area is now a hotbed of activity! Diamond mining and exploration, uranium, oil sands, crude oil and other "stuffiums" have brought this area into the mainstream news nowdays on the TV news channels.

It would seem UC knew where to have his aerial surveys performed to look for the hotspots that just might produce what he was looking for. Years of test core drilling and more surveys have proved he was on to something big.

Next blog we will continue with more history of CMKX, The Stockplay of a Lifetime.